
Will of John Lytle of Gloucester 1602



Note the ink has bled into the paper making it difficult to read


In the name of God Amen The XXth

daie of November in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred and two, and in

the five and fortith yere of the raigne of our soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of

god of England France and Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c, I John Lytle of the

Citty of Gloucester gentleman being sicke in bodie but of good and perfect memorie, thankes

be to almightie god, and knowing death to be to all unto moste certaine and nothing more

uncertaine then the hower thereof, Therefore doe ordaine and make my last will and testamt

in writing, in manner and forme following, That is to saie, above all thinges, I give and bequeth

my Soule to almightie god, my maker and redemer, trustinge by the merrits and passion of

our Lord and saviour Jesus Christe, to have forgivenes of all my sinnes and offences, and to be one

of the elect people of god, my bodie I will to be buried in the Church of Saint Nicholas, at the

discrecon of my executrix, And as touching such wordlie goodes, as I have received at Gods

mercifull handes, I doe render and yeeld them to the world again, to be implyed and bestowed

as hereafter in this my last will is expressed (that is to saie) I give and bequeath the two messs

or tenements which I late purchased of William noyman, wherein John Brochowse and John

Crowdy the younger dwell, with all wainescott windowes dores and other implements of mine therein

being, to John Gardner the younger sonne of John Gardner and Elizabeth my eldest daughter and to

the heires of his [sic] body lawfully to be begotten for ever, And for default of such heires, I give and

bequeath the same messuags or tenements and implements to Margaret Gardner sister of the saide

John Gardner the younger and to the heires of her body lawfully to be begotten, And for defalte of

such heires I give and bequeath the same messuages Tenements ymplements to Eliza-

beth Gardner my daughter for and during the terme of her naturall life; And after her decease

and wante of heires aforesaid, I give and bequeath the same messuages Tenements and imple-

ments to Olliff Stevens my second daughter and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten

and to be begotten, And for dfaulte of such heires I give and bequeath the said messuages

Tenements and implements to Katherine Bruster one other of my daughters and to the

heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten and to be begotten, And for defalte of such heires, to

the eight heyers of me the said John Littell for ever, Item my will is, that if John Bruster

the younger my sonne in lawe will inhabit and contynually dwell in the messuage or tenne-

ment where I now dwell duringe the terme of yeres which I have therein: Then I give and

bequeath the same messuage or Tenement to Katherine my daughter for and during all the

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Terme of yeres which I have sayed yet to come and ? Notwithstanding my will

is That my said sonne in Lawe John Bruster shall now(not?) take the ? ?

thereof untill three monethes be further expired after my decease Item if my said sonne in

Lawe John Bruster will inhabit and dwell in my said house as aforesaid Then I give and

bequeath to him the same John Bruster and to his heires for ever, All the wainscott wind-

owes dores W?esterne bend or ??ding vessel Tables boardes benches ?????? bedstead ????? s???es

buttreyes and other implements to my said dwelling house belonging and occupied and used to

and with the same, To have the quiet possession thereof after three monethes be fully expi-

red and ended after my decease, and nott before, And if my said sonne in lawe John Bruster

shall refuse, or nott continue, and dwell in the same messuage or dwelling house and continue

therein during the terme aforesaid: Then I give and bequeath the same messuage tenemente and

dwelling howse wainscot windowes dores tables bordes benches Ces??? and other implementes

thereunto belonging to Olliff Stevens my daughter Item I give and bequeath to my daugh-

ter Olliff Stevens threscoer poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid to her when

Six monethes next after my decease, And I give to her the said Olliff Stevens one bond

and the whole penalty and the execucon thereof being seventeene poundes and seventeene shill-

inges, which I have recovered by verdict and indictment? against Robert Wheeler Item I give and

bequeathe to the saide John Gardner the younger m????? his Sister Elinor Stevens Daughter of the

said George Stevens, And to Bridget Bruster my daughters children To evry one of them

the said John, Margaret, Elinor, and Bridget forty poundes a peece, to be paied unto them

and every one of them when they shall attaine to their full age of Eighteene yeres, or at the

day of their marriage, which shall first happen or be, which fowerscore poundes given to

Bridget Bruster and Elinor Stevens I will be deliverired by my executrix to John Brewster

and George Stevens within three monethes next after my decease, they doeinge and performinge

as is required in this my last will, And my will is further That the partes or porcons of

them and so manie of them, as shall die before they shall attaine to their full age of eightene

yeres, or be married as aforesaide shall red???de come and be paied, to the survivor or survivors

of them by equal porcons, at the time when they and any of them shall attaine and be at

their severall age and ages of eightene yeres, or be married, provided allwaies and my will

is also that my saide sonne in lawe John Gardner for the said severall summes of fortie poundes

to his saide two children by me given within three monethes next after my decease, with two

sufficient suretyes with him shall sufficiently and effectually seale and deliver as their and eny of

their deede unto Thomas Matchen esquire and Mathewe Beke or to one of them, or to the exe-

cutors administrators or assignes of one of them, one bande, or obligacon of eighscore poundes of

lawfull money of England, binding them selves and every of them thereby iointly and severallie

their and every of their heires executors and administrators in the said somme of eightscore pounds

for the payments of the saide two severall sommes of Fortie poundes, to be paied to the said John

Gardner the younger and Margarett Gardner his Sister, at the time when they and enye of

them shall attaine to their full ages, or age of eightene yeres, or be married, on to him, her, or

them of the saide John Gardner the younger Margaret Gardner Bridget Brewster, and Ellinor

Stevens, as shalbe livinge at the time they shall be at their full ages, or age of eightene

yeres, or be married, by equall porcons as is aforesaide, Item my will is also, that John

Brewster the younger my sonne in lawe, for the said somme of Fortie poundes by me to his

saide daughter Bridget Brewster given, within thre months nexte after my decease with his

sufficient sureties with him shall sufficiently and effectually seale and deliver as that and everye

of their deede unto Thomas Matchen and Mathewe Beke, or to one of them, and bondes or

obligacon of fowerscore poundes of good and lawfull money of England biinding them so his and every

of them thereby is iointly and severally their and only their heires executed and administrated in the said somme of fowerscore poundes of lawfull

money of England, for the paiement of the said Fortie poundes to her the saide Bridgett

Brewster, to be paied at the time when she the said Bridget shall attaine to her full age of


Eyghtene yeres, or be married, or to him, her, or them of the saide John Gardner the younger

Margarett Gardner, Bridget Brewster and Ellinor Stevens as shall be living at the tyme they

shall be at their full age and ages of eighteene yeres, or be married, be equall porcons as afore-

saide, Item my will is also, that my sonne in lawe George Stevens for the said somme of forty

poundes by me to his saide Daughter El[i]n[o]r given, within three monethes next after my decease

with two sufficient suretyes with him shall sufficiently and effectually seale and deliver as their

and onlie of their deede unto the said Thomas Matchen and Mathewe Beke or to one of them

owe lande or obligacon of fowerscore of good and lawfull money of England, bindinge

themselves and every of them thereby iointly and severally their and every of their heires

executors and administrators in the said somme of fowerscore poundes of lawfull money of

England, for the payment of the said fortie poundes to her the said Elinor Stevens, at

such time when the same Elinor shall attaine to her full age of eighteene yeres, or be

married, or him to him her, him, or them, of the said John Gardner the younger, Margaret Gard[ner]

Bridget Brewster, and Elinor Stevens, as shalbe livinge at the time they shall be at

their age, or ages of eighteene yeres, or be married as is aforesaide, Item my will and minde

is further That if either of my saide sonnes in lawe John Brewster, John Gardner, or

George Stevens, shall refuse, or doe not within three monethes next after my decease

put in such bande with sureties, as before is limitted or menconed, for the payment of

the saide somme or sommes of money to his or their childe or children before by me given

willed and appointed to be paied, at the time or times before hereby limitted: then my

will is, that the porcon and porcons of money limitted by me to be paied to the child or

children of him or them that soe shall refuse to put in bande, or omit the same, shall be

payed and delivred into the hands of him or them of my said sonnes in lawe, to be by

him or them kepte and used that will put in such bande for the payment thereof to that

child or children to whom I have given and appointed the same to be paied, at the time

hereby before lymitted and appointed, And my will is also, that if anie of the surety or

sureties of my saide sonnes in lawe, or either of them, or so manie of them as shall

happen to dye before the saide time of paiement before limitted of the somme, or sommes

of legacie money or anie of them shall be due, whereof the partie or parties dyeinge are

charged, my will is, that then new suretie or sureties in place or steade of him or them so

dyeinge be put in by my saide sonne, or sonnes in lawe, their executors or administrators, to

stande bounde and charged for the payment or payments aforesaide; Item I give and

bequeath to Elinor Harte my kinswoman one Annuall or yearly rent of twentie sixe

shillinges and eight pence of lawfull money England, to be paied yerely to her the saide

Elinor, or her assignes to her use, duringe her naturall lief, at fower termes, or Feastes in

the yere, that is to saie, at the feastes of the nativitie of our Lord God, Thannunciacon

of our blessed Lady saincte Marie the Virgin, the Nativity of sainct John Baptist, and

sainct Michaell The Archangell, by even portions, or within fourtene daies next after eny

of the saide feastes, the first payment thereof to begin and to be made at that feast of

the feastes aforesaid which shall first happen and next come after my decease, And for

more sure  payment of the saide somme of twenty six shillings eight pence, to be made yerely

unto the said Elinor Harte during her life as aforesaid, my will is, that my said sonne in lawe

John Gardner shall within twentie daies nexte after my decease sufficiently and effectually

seale and deliver as his deede, one bande or obligacon, binding himself thereby his heires exe-

cutors and administrators in the somme of one twentie markes of good and lawfull money of

England to the saide Thomas Matchen or Mathewe Beke their executors administrators

or assignes, for the payments of the said yerelie Rent of twentie six shillinges and eight

pence to her the said Ellinor or her assignes, at or uppon the feastes dayes aforesaid

or within fowerteene daies next after eny of them, during the terme aforesaide, at such

place withing the Cittie of Gloucester, as the saide Thomas Matchen and Mathewe Beke


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or one of them shall ??????????? think fit and convenient, Item I give and bequeath to the poor

people of Gloucester Tenn poundes, whereof I will twentie shillinges thereof to be given and

distributed to the poore people of the hospitall of saint Bartholomew, and other nine poundes

to the poore people of nine? parishes in Gloucester by the discrecon and appointment of the saide

Thomas Matchen, Item I give to the poore people of Painswicke Six poundes, which six

teene pounds I will, be paid and distributed uppon the daie of my buriall, and I will also

that the said Thomas Matchen shall ????? cause to be sent the same six pounds given and

distributed, And whereas at the persuacon and request of John Brewster my sonne in lawe,

I sent forth to Sea in ad?????, seaven ??ayes of malte and Sixteen poundes in money,

which I understande the same is banked, I esteeme the same worth threescore poundes or

thereaboutes, nowe my will is, and I give the said malte and money to my saide sonne in lawe

John Brewster, Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Elizabeth Gardner, Olliff Stevens

and Katherine Brewster, all my plate, bedding, brasse, pewter, Chestes and lynnen, amongest

them as neare as maie be gessed, equallie in three partes to be divided, by the discrecon of

oversight of my overseers and witnesses of this my last will, Item I give to the said Thomas

Matchen for his paines to be taken herein a new gowne of fine cloth And to Mathewe Beke

a cloake cloth of the same, To my sonne in lawe John Brewster, father and mother, to enye

of them a gowne, to my sonne in lawe John Gardner father a cloake, and to his mother a

gowne, and to enye of my sonnes in lawe a cloake, and to every of my saide daughters a

gowne, And unto Walter younge my Clerk a cloake, all which said clothe for gownes and cloakes

aforesaide shall be of the full price of twentie shillinges the yarde, and other than this I leave

to the discrecon of my Executrix Item I give my gowne of scarlett to George Stevens

my sonne in lawe, And to John Brewster my sonne in lawe, my best black gowne, And my

Thirde best black gowne to Robte Mason Sargeaunte, my fowerth best gowne to widow

Dyer, And my other to John Whooper Clerk, And to the saide Elinor Harte a newe

gowne cloth, All other my goodes and cattells, my Funeral discharged and legacies paied, I give and

bequeath to Elizabethe Gardner, my daughter, whom I make my sole Executrix of this my

last will and Testament, doing and performing as in this my last will is required, pro-

vided alwaies and neverthelesse my will is, that if my said sonne in lawe John Gardner

shall refuse to put in bande, with sureties to the said Thomas Matchen and Mathew Beke

or to one of them, for the payments of the said severall sommes of fortie poundes to be paide

to his children as aforesaide, Or shall refuse to binde himself his heires executors and admini-

strators in One hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to the saide Thomas Matchen

and Mathewe Beke, to performe and satisfie all other guiftes and bequeastes in this my

last will given and bequeathed and on his parte to be satisfied or performed: Then I ordaine

and make my daughters Olliff Stevens and Katherine Brewster my sole Executrices of

this my last will and Testament, and the Executorship and Truste reposed and left by me

to my said daughter Elizabeth Gardner from and after such refusall of her saide husbande

John Gardner made shall be utterly voide fristrate and of none effect, anie thinge in this my

last will conteined, to the contrarie thereof, in anie wise notwithstanding, And I doe make and

appointe the saide Thomas Matchen and Mathewe Beeke Overseers of this my last will and

Testament In Witnesse whereof, I the saide John Litle have hereunto putt my hande and

Seale the day and yeare firste abive written John Lytle his mark, witnesses to

this my last will, Thomas Matchen, Thomas Bennet Dyer his mark, and Walter Younge

the wryter hereof


Probatum fuit hui[usm]o[d]i Testamentu[m] apud London coram viro Rich[ard]o

Swale legum d[o]c[t]ore Surragato ven[er]abilis viri magi[stro] Johis Gibson legum etiam doctoris Curie

Prerogative Cantuar viri Custodis sui? Comarissarii l[egi]timo constituti undecimo die, mensis Februarii


Anno d[omi]ni iuxta cursinn? et ????????? Ecclesie Anglorum ???????? ????????? secundo Juramento

???? Johi Stubbes notarii ???li  ???nsis Elizabetha Gardner ???? et l[egi]time dicti def

et Executricis in hui[usm]o[d]i Testamento nominat Cra comiss?? administrat? bene? Juriu et creditor

e????in defuncti de bene et fidel[ite]r administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat



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