
Will of Alice Hodges of Dymock 1595 Widow



In the name of God amen the viith day of June in the yere of o[u]r lord god a thousand Fyve hundred Syxtie and nyne

and the leventh yere of the Raigne of o[u]r sovraigne ladye Elyzabeth by the grace of god of England France and yreland

quene defender of the Faythe I alys hodges wydowe late wyfe of Jhon hodges decessed w[i]thin the p[a]r[i]she of Dymock

in the County of Glouc[ester] do make my testament and last will in m[a]nn[er] and forme folowinge, Fyrste I

bequeth my soule to allmyghtie god and mye body to be buryed in the churche yeard of dymocke / Ite[m] I geve to margery Cole vi d

Ite[m] I gyve to Thomas hodges xiii l vi s viii d / Ite[m] I geve to Elyzabeth mye daughter xiii l vi s viii d / Ite[m] I geve

to Jane my daughter xiii l vi s viii d / and yf anye of my three chyldren dye before they come to lawfull age

to be marrid their Right he or they that shall over lyve to have the others p[ar]te so dyinge / and yf all the

three chyldren dye before they come to lawfull ages then wyll[ia]m hodges mye sone to have all the ?? wyll[ia]m my

sonne and heire I make my sole executor



            xvo dec a[nn]o 1569




Alice Hodges wid

pro nuper de dymocke

probat fuit ????

coram me ce?

xvo die me[n]s[i]s

decembris a[nn]o



sene xiid


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